One thing to note about dental sedation is that it’s not actually meant to put you to sleep. It simply helps you relax in order to soothe your dental anxieties. As such, if you’re planning on having dental sedation administered during your upcoming periodontal treatment, you may find yourself wondering what it will feel like; here’s what you need to know prior to your appointment.
What Types of Dental Sedation are Available?
First of all, it’s important to realize that there are multiple kinds of dental sedation to pick from, which can affect your overall experience. In some cases, you may receive oral conscious sedation, which involves taking a pill shortly before your treatment begins. Another option is IV sedation, which is performed by injecting the medication directly into your bloodstream. Your periodontist can give you a more detailed overview of the types of dental sedation and help you narrow down which one is right for you.
What Does Oral Conscious Sedation Feel Like?
Once the medication for oral conscious sedation takes effect, you should become very relaxed. You might have trouble speaking properly, and your reflexes will be significantly duller. There’s also a good chance that you will feel very drowsy, and you might even fall asleep at some point; if that happens, your dental team will generally be able to wake you back up fairly easily.
Some patients say that time seems to go by faster while they’re experiencing the effects of oral conscious sedation. Others may not remember the procedure all that clearly (or at all).
What Does IV Sedation Feel Like?
IV sedation puts you in a deep state of relaxation. You may struggle to stay awake, but you will still remain conscious. In general, the effects of IV sedation are not that much different than those of oral conscious sedation, but they do tend to be stronger.
How Should You Prepare for Dental Sedation?
It takes time for IV sedation and oral conscious sedation to completely wear off, so be sure to ask someone you trust to drive you to and from your appointment. Furthermore, your periodontist may give you instructions to help you prepare for a treatment where dental sedation will be performed. Be sure that you follow said instructions as closely as possible.
With dental sedation, you will no longer have to worry about your fears getting in the way of an important periodontal procedure that your smile needs. Don’t hesitate to ask your periodontal team about the sedation options that the practice provides.
About the Author
Dr. David Handsman went to the University of Tennesee, eventually graduating in 2005 with his Masters of Dental Surgery in periodontology. In addition to various periodontal treatments, his practice in Worcester also offers relaxing IV sedation and oral conscious sedation. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Handsman at Handsman & Haddad Periodontics, visit his website or call (508) 753-5444.